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   Publishers of Books to Educate and Inform

  Leadership: Growing and Sustaining a Smaller Organization - This book is packed with useful tools, ideas, and helps for leaders. It presents a structured sequence of thinking tasks; then doing tasks – tasks that have been proven to help leaders build long-term-success for their organization, in good times and bad times.

  How to Write and Sell a Successful "How-To" book - You have knowledge, experience, skills. You are ready to communicate your know-how to others through a book. This brief guide will help you get started.

Accounting and Financial Analysis for the Non-Accountant - An overview of the key financial reports and financial analysis tools used in business. Learn what accountants are talking about, see how the numbers work, get the background necessary for success in business. (Excerpted from How To Keep Score in Business.)

Glossary of Key Financial Accounting Terms - Definitions of key terms you will encounter in reading and in conversations about accounting and financial matters. Knowing the jargon is always important to business success. (From How To Keep Score in Business.)

Coping With Chronic Illness - Learn about the six stages of chronic physical illness and how to successfully cope with them. Learn about the skills needed to master chronic illness and become able-hearted when it is no longer possible to be able-bodied. Adapted from Dr. JoAnn LeMaistre's book which has helped thousands of patients and their families.

WOLF TRAPPED - An excerpt from the true story of a young artist who tried to use his art to fight against Hitler and the Nazis.

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